15 Best Viking Games of All Time (2022)

Vikings seem to be in fashion these days. The success of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla might have set the stage, but the ground-breaking release of Valheim has both struck the match and lit the fuse on the genre.

If you’re a fan of playing as a Scandinavian pillager roaming the lands in search of glory, then it’s one hell of a good year to be a gamer.

For those on a Viking buzz, then there’s no mead to let yourself go cold turkey (get it? Mead? Because it rhymes with need?). We’ve listed the best Viking games of all time for you to get lost in, whether you’re looking to explore Midgard, Jotunheim, or the even more fantastical lands of long-lost Europe.

The Best Viking Games

  • 15. Vikings – Wolves of Midgard
  • 14. Mount and Blade: Warband – Viking Conquest
  • 13. For Honor
  • 12. Expeditions: Viking
  • 11. Volgarr the Viking
  • 10. Dead in Vinland
  • 9. Ancestors Legacy
  • 8. Crusader Kings III
  • 7. Jotun
  • 6. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
  • 5. Bad North
  • 4. Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
  • 3. Northgard
  • 2. The Banner Saga
  • 1. Valheim

15. Vikings – Wolves of Midgard

Developer: Games Farm
Publisher: Kalypso Media Digital

Top-down action RPGs seem to be the dominant genre when it to comes to Viking-inspired games. You’re going to notice a lot of Dragon Age and Diablo inspiration, but that’s far from a bad thing.

Vikings – Wolves of Midgard is one such game, and it also happens to be one of the best Viking games ever developed. It was created by a Slovak studio which added some much-needed credibility to the genre.

It feels quite similar to Diablo when you play. It’s got a decent character creation system and is more or less fully open world. Despite that, the progression system is rather linear, and a lot of the replayability relies on gimmicks that were honestly ahead of their time.

It sits at a positive rating on Steam and a 66 on Metacritic, which is about right. It’s a fun title to pick up if you’re bored, but it’s not what we’re recommending if you’re craving that true Jotunheim and Midgard experience.

14. Mount and Blade: Warband – Viking Conquest

Developer: Brytenwalda
Publisher: TaleWorlds Entertainment

Despite being over 10 years old, Mount and Blade: Warband remains one of the community’s most beloved medieval RPGs of all time. Viking Conquest is a DLC that adds, well, Vikings into single-player and multiplayer.

You get a cutesy little storyline, something out of the ordinary for what is otherwise a sandbox title, but that’s nothing to write home about. Instead, you’re going to want to pick up this DLC for the ludicrous number of additions to the world space. Factions, cities, and characters added numbers in the 100s, making this a comprehensive package considering how cheap you can get it for these days.

At the end of the day, though, Viking Conquest is Mount and Blade with Vikings. If you like that style of game, you’ll love this DLC. If you don’t, you’ll probably hate it.

13. For Honor

Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft

(Video) 10 BEST Viking Games Of All Time (2022 Edition)

For Honor is among the most well-known games to feature Vikings ever made. It’s not so much a Viking game as it is a game that features Vikings, on account of the lack of meaningful single-player and streamlined multiplayer experience.

For Honor is a Ubisoft game, so expect the usual Ubi shenanigans right off the bat. Once you cut through all of that corporate nonsense, though, a truly spectacular multiplayer game lies under the surface.

The game is built on a unique but well-put-together tactical combat system. You’re going to be dueling your opponents, and it’s really going to feel like that. Speaking of opponents, For Honor also features characters from other cultures such as Ancient Mandarian and the Japanese Dynasties.

As I said, this is only a game with Vikings, but it’s a good game with Vikings.

12. Expeditions: Viking

Developer: Logic Artists
Publisher: THQ Nordic

What is it about Vikings and top-down action RPGs that developers seem to love so much?

Expeditions: Viking is another entry into that genre, but even I’ll admit that it’s a bloody good one. It’s a 30-hour fast that’s rich with depth, something that is only highlighted by its turn-based combat system.

The premise is quite a good one: you’re a newly appointed chief, so, naturally, you set sail to plunder the West in order to prove your strength and acquire new riches. It’s a simple plot that gets better the longer you play.

Expeditions: Viking is a sleeper hit if ever there was one. If you’re a fan of those mid-2000s RPGs, you’re going to love this.

11. Volgarr the Viking

Developer: Crazy Viking Studios
Publisher: Adult Swim Games

Forget about the 2000s; what if we were to tell you there was a phenomenal Viking game made in the 80s? You’d probably call me a liar, and you would be right. Volgarr the Viking came out in 2013, but it’s styled after those pre-90s era games.

If you hate old-school sidescrolling games, first of all, have you ever heard of Mario? And second of all, get out. I don’t want you here.

In all seriousness, Volgarr the Viking is an indie masterpiece of a sidescroller. Although don’t let the whole indie premise turn you off of it, Adult Swim Games published this title, so that should tell you everything you need to know about its quality.

In the game, you’ve been charged by Odin to go out on a quest to defeat an evil dragon. That’s really all there is to it. It’s a simple experience that delivers far more than it has any right to, all for a budget price.

10. Dead in Vinland

Developer: CCCP
Publisher: Dear Villagers

Dead in Vinland is unique if nothing else. It’s a survival management game that’s got some RPG mechanics splashed in, and does a pretty good job of marrying both. However, it’s got that “free Facebook game” aesthetic, but don’t let that put you off buying this game. It’s got 81% positive reviews on Steam for a reason.

The game is actually a sequel to a previous title called “Dead in Bermuda,” but we wouldn’t worry about playing that before picking up Dead in Vinland.

(Video) 9 Exciting Medieval/Viking Games Coming Your Way in 2020 & 2021

The story is simple and well put together, which seems to be the norm for Viking games. You’re leading your family on a survival journey after being exiled. However, where this game shines is in its gameplay.

Combat is built off a row-turn-based skill system with RPG elements. It’s a near-identical system to Darkest Dungeon, so if you’ve played that, then you know what you’re in for. If you haven’t played Darkest Dungeon, by the way, do me a favor and fix that.

In fact, the overall gameplay experience is remarkably similar to DD, with a character management system that keeps your nerves on edge at every turn.

It’s not a game for everyone, but it reminds me of Marmite. You’re either going to love this title, or you’ll hate it. There is no in-between.

9. Ancestors Legacy

Developer: Destructive Creations
Publisher: 1C Entertainment

And just like that, we’re back to top-down gameplay. Unlike the majority of this genre, though, Ancestors Legacy only came out in 2018, with a PS4 release in 2019 and a Switch port in 2020.

That kind of timeframe means that the game is able to deliver an old-school genre title that has modern tech backing it. This combines into an RTS that offers one of the smoothest PC to console ports that I’ve ever seen.

Its story is what stands out to me. It’s a well-waived Viking tale that actually manages to keep its gameplay objectives relevant to the plot, which is something that is underappreciated these days.

What I will say is that its gameplay is remarkably unremarkable. It’s built on an infantry-based rock, paper, scissors system, but if we wanted gameplay like that, we would go and play Pokémon.

Regardless, it’s still a solid title, especially on PS4 and Xbox. If you’re looking for a gritty Norse experience, though, you’re arguably not going to find it here.

8. Crusader Kings III

Developer: Paradox Development Studio
Publisher: Paradox Interactive

Let’s be honest, half of you are here because of Valheim and AC: Valhalla, and the other half of you are here because of Crusader Kings 3.

Crusader Kings isn’t a Viking game, but like For Honor, it lets you play as Vikings. Unlike For Honor, though, rather than having a game solely built on PvP combat, CK3 is like Civ on steroids.

I’d be shocked if you haven’t played either this or any of the Civilization games, but that just means you should rush out to pick up this title even quicker.

There’s no major plotline, as is the case with most grand strategy games. Instead, each individual run is its own self-contained story. The way you build up your Viking clan and deal with other nations is going to be unique each time you play, especially given just how deep a lot of the systems in CK3 are.

Crusader Kings III only came out in 2020, too, so the game is still very much being supported by Paradox.

7. Jotun

Developer: Paradox Development Studio
Publisher: Paradox Interactive

(Video) 15 Awesome Viking Games

Now we’re talking. While a lot of the games on this list use Vikings as nothing more than a window dressing or as one of many features, Jotun isn’t afraid to immerse itself into specific parts of Norse mythology. Specifically, the game sees you traveling across the nine realms to defeat the jötunn themselves.

That’s a simple premise that lends way to simple gameplay, but Jotun is so much more than that. It’s got real heart and soul to it, something that AAA titles like For Honor struggle to achieve.

There is clearly love and effort put into this title, as is evident by just how beautiful the art direction is. While Jotun only ranks at number seven in the list, it’s among the best strictly indie Viking games out there.

6. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla exceeded everyone’s expectations at launch. That’s saying something, too, because all eyes were on Ubisoft after the success of Odyssey.

AC: Valhalla is much more a Viking game than it is a “traditional” Assassin’s Creed game, much like Black Flag was more of a game about being a pirate than an assassin. While that’s perhaps terrible for OG AC fans, it’s great if you’re looking for a Viking gaming experience. It also does jump into Norse mythology quite a bit, which shouldn’t be such a standout point for a Viking game, but it is.

At the end of the day, though, this is still a Ubisoft Assassin’s Creed game. There are microtransactions, it’s full of grinding, and it’s going to get repetitive. On the other hand, though, it’s also teeming with life, solid combat and a winding story, which actually makes it one of the best Viking games ever made. Skol!

5. Bad North

Developer: Plausible Concept
Publisher: Raw Fury

Oh man, what a gem this is. When a roguelite, RTS, glorified tower-defense game is beating out a multimillion-dollar AAA title, you know it’s something special.

However, do not play Bad North if you’re looking for a Norse story because you’re not going to be getting it. Bad North uses Vikings as a point of stylization and doesn’t necessarily do all that much of it.

If you’re just into Vikings for the theme and not the mythology, though, this should immediately be at the top of your wishlist. It’s the perfect game to kill some time with here and there, and I mean that on account of the fact that Bad North is also available on mobile.

You lead your people from island to island, each time requiring you to fend off Viking invaders. That’s all, but what else did you expect from a roguelite? Seriously, though, it doesn’t need to be anything more than this. At all.

4. Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice

Developer: Ninja Theory
Publisher: Ninja Theory

Is Hellblade the most well-known indie game of all time? It’s up there, and just as well because it is astonishing. So astonishing that it’s getting a sequel with Microsoft’s backing after they purchased its developer, and how many actual indie games can say that?

Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is a dark fantasy action-adventure RPG, so already I’m all over that. Throwing Vikings as a thematic point on top of that genre makes the game feel like it was developed exclusively for me, and at this point, I sort of think it was.

Its story is beautiful. You’re tasked with traveling to Helheim to retrieve the soul of your lost lover, and I’m more than willing to admit that I fell in love with that plot. It’s clear that this game was written to be a Viking game rather than made as a game with a Viking skin, and that is something that I really appreciate.

If you’re going to play any title on this list, make it this one. Even if it didn’t quite crack the top three, it’s one of those rare gaming experiences that sit with you long after you finish playing.

(Video) Top 10 Glorious Viking Themed Video Games

3. Northgard

Developer: Shiro Games
Publisher: Shiro Games

Yes, Northgard is a top-down game, and yes, it’s in the top three. The fact that we rate it so highly despite the genre not being in our everyday wheelhouse should be all the convincing you need.

Northgard is a progression-based RTS that sees you leading your clan on an expedition to a newly discovered landmass. It’s simple, as all games of this nature are, but it’s built on a randomized map generator that guarantees you never get bored with it.

What really pushes this game up a notch, though, is the fact that it has online co-op. It has PvP, too, but that’s something that we’ve shied away from.

It’s rather expensive as indie titles go, but more than worth the investment if you can convince a friend to pick it up with you.

Developer: Stoic
Publisher: Versus Evil

2014. 2014 is when The Banner Saga came out. It’s almost 10 years later, and we still consider it the second-best Viking game ever made. A Switch port recently came out in 2018, and how many four-year-old games that aren’t Skyrim, Mario, or GTA get ports?

The Banner Saga is a stylized tactical RPG with a tile-based combat system, all of which is remarkably well made when you consider that the project was funded on Kickstarter. However, this little fact is the most important thing about the game. The Banner Saga, even more than Jotun, has heart. It was made by gamers, for gamers, and that shows.

The world is Viking inspired rather than being outright Norse, but that just gave the developers more room for creativity, and they took advantage of that. The game features two playable characters, each with their own story, as well as a multitude of choices and diverging paths that affect what events you see in-game.

I’m not going to go into any detail because I don’t want to spoil this masterpiece on you, so do yourself a favor and pick it up, and then the other two amazing parts to complete the trilogy. It’s out on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Switch, so you have no excuse.

1. Valheim

Developer: Iron Gate AB
Publisher: Coffee Stain Publishing

Of course Valheim is number one. It’s the whole reason we were inspired to make this list in the first place. Given the whole global lockdown thing that dominated 2020, many didn’t expect much from games in 2021, but Valheim brought in the new year with more of a nuclear blast than a bang.

In just one short month, it’s become one of the most popular games on Steam. When you consider it was made by a five-person team and isn’t a party game like Among Us, that’s an incredible statistic. It’s a passion project that has changed the online survival genre forever in less than 30 days of release.

It’s a roleplaying survival game that sees you setting up shop in an afterlife where you play as a Viking, but you’re not exactly in Valhalla.

It’s a sandbox experience, meaning you carve out your own path with your friends as you craft tools and shelter to try and keep yourself safe from all the enemies lurking about the place.

The fact that Valheim is such a solid experience already is very telling for the future. The game is only going to continue getting support for the next few years, so get your ticket punched now before you’re left too far behind.

READ NEXT: 20 Best Sci-Fi Games of All Time


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Hnefatafl (often called ‘King’s Table’ in English) is the board game most commonly associated with the Viking Age by modern people. It can be traced back to games played in Imperial Rome from at least the first century AD under the name Ludus latrunculorum (the game of the little thieves).

What games did the Vikings play? ›

Vikings engaged in running, swimming, tug-of-war called toga-honk and wrestling. Vikings also played a ball game with stick and ball. It wasn’t uncommon for someone to get hurt or even killed, as Vikings played rough. Women did not participate in these games, but they would gather to watch the men.

What games did Viking kids play? ›

Vikings also engaged in more physical pastimes including running, swimming, a version of the tug-of-war called toga-honk and wrestling. There are records of Vikings having played a game with stick and ball.

What did the Viking call America? ›

Name. Vinland was the name given to part of North America by the Icelandic Norseman Leif Eríkson, about 1000 AD.

What are the 4 Viking countries? ›

The Vikings originated from the area that became modern-day Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. They settled in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Iceland, Greenland, North America, and parts of the European mainland, among other places.

What was the coldest Vikings game ever played? ›

Vikings 1972, -2 degrees (wind chill -15)

What is the most famous Viking saga? ›

The most famous saga-genre is the Íslendingasögur (sagas concerning Icelanders), which feature Viking voyages, migration to Iceland, and feuds between Icelandic families.

What fighting style did the Vikings use? ›

Glima is a Scandinavian martial arts system used by the fearless Vikings. Strength wasn’t the only way to dominate your opponent even though the Vikings were famous for their strength and brute force.

Is Kratos a Viking? ›

Barlog talked about how each culture’s mythological belief system coexisted with one another and were all “separated by geography.” That suggests Kratos likely took a trip from Greece to Norway, where new gods and mythology thrived. However, despite its Norse setting, Barlog notes that Kratos isn’t in “the viking era.”

What did Vikings drink? ›

Vikings brewed their own beer, mead, and wine. Mead, however (often considered a drink of royalty), was most likely reserved for special occasions.

Did Vikings drink milk? ›

The Vikings kept dairy cows and enjoyed drinking milk, buttermilk and whey as well as making cheese, curds and butter.

What sports did Vikings invent? ›

Knattleikr (English: ‘ball-game’) was an ancient ball game played by the Vikings of Iceland. The term is also applied to a modern sport created by re-enactors, and now played at a few United States institutions as a college club sport, based on what is known about the historical game.

How did Vikings relax? ›

The bard. When the Vikings were not busy competing against each other, they loved to relax to some good music or stories told around the fire. The Vikings often had a person among them, who they referred to as a Skald.

Did Vikings skied for fun? ›

Vikings skied for fun.

Scandinavians developed primitive skis at least 6,000 years ago, though ancient Russians may have invented them even earlier. By the Viking Age, Norsemen regarded skiing as an efficient way to get around and a popular form of recreation. They even worshipped a god of skiing, Ullr.

What did Vikings call slaves? ›

Historical accounts make it clear that when they raided coastal towns from the British Isles to the Iberian Peninsula, the Vikings took thousands of men, women and children captive, and held or sold them as slaves—or thralls, as they were called in Old Norse.

What did Germans call Vikings? ›

Vikings were known by different names in relation to the area where they were located. In Germany, Vikings were called Ascomanni which was a term used to refer to what the German tribes identified as “ashmen”.

Did the Vikings raid Africa? ›

Of particular importance in this regard is the fact that medieval Muslim writers also refer to Vikings (Majūs) having raided along the North African coast in the mid-ninth century.

Which country has the strongest Viking? ›

Danish Vikings

The Danes were the strongest of the Norsemen both in political and military power. They were also the first of the three to convert to Christianity (almost entirely by the end of 9th century). The Danish Vikings wanted to discover and pillage the West.

Who defeated the Vikings? ›

King Alfred and the Danes

King Alfred ruled from 871-899 and after many trials and tribulations (including the famous story of the burning of the cakes!) he defeated the Vikings at the Battle of Edington in 878.

How cold was a Viking winter? ›

What they found was that, in the areas where the Norse Vikings settled between 985 and 1450 AD, temperatures very likely were hovering around 50°F (10°C). In other words, it wasn’t all grit, sub-zero temperatures, fur pelts, and iron helmets.

How did Viking survive the cold? ›

They conclude that to survive the cold, the Vikings learned the value of layering reasonably early. History on the Net explained Vikings used a lot of wool and fur for their clothing. They had cloaks, hats, and socks made of wool. Men most likely wore a base layer of a long-sleeved shirt, while women had a linen dress.

What was the snowiest football game? ›

“The Snow Bowl”

In one of the snowiest games in recent memory, the Detroit Lions faced off against the Philadelphia Eagles in conditions that saw snow pile up to eight inches.

Who was the toughest Viking? ›

10 Toughest Vikings in History

  • Thorkell the Tall. …
  • Cnut the Great. …
  • Ivar the Boneless. …
  • 7 & 6. …
  • Olaf Trygvasson. …
  • Egil Skallagrimsson. …
  • Ragnar Lothbrok. …
  • Harald Hardrada.

Who was the baddest Viking ever? ›

Erik the Red’s reputation is probably one of the most bloodthirsty among all of the Vikings. The son of Thorvald, Erik is chiefly remembered for being the Viking who founded the first settlement in Greenland. His father Thorvald left Norway with his young son Erik, around 10 years old, because of ‘some killings’.

What was the biggest Viking fight? ›

The Battle of Tettenhall (sometimes called the Battle of Wednesfield or Wōdnesfeld) took place, according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, near Tettenhall on 5 August 910.

What were Vikings afraid of? ›

Vikings were afraid of their gods and failure to live up to Norse norms of conduct. They followed a code of honor that preferred an honorable death to cowardice.

What was the Vikings favorite weapon? ›

They wore iron helmets, chain mail armour, and carried swords, axes, spears and wooden shields. Vikings were also skilled with bows and arrows. The weapons were made with iron, and often decorated with inlaid, or encrusted silver or copper. The sword was the most prized weapon.

Who was the best Viking fighter? ›

12 Famous Viking Warriors You Should Know

  1. Rollo of Normandy. The first Viking king of Normandy in northern France, Rollo was one of the few men who really left his mark on history. …
  2. Egil Skallagrimsson. …
  3. Ragnar Lothbrok. …
  4. Cnut the Great. …
  5. Harald Hardrada. …
  6. Bjorn Ironside. …
  7. Erik the Red. …
  8. Ivar the boneless.

Why is Odin scared of Kratos? ›

It is implied that he has an intense fear of Kratos as well like how Zeus had, however unlike the Olympian he knew nothing about him except that he is extremely powerful, having faced and killed Modi, Magni, and Baldur. In addition, Odin jealously guards all the knowledge and secrets he collected.

Is Thor Norse or Greek? ›

Thor (/θɔːr/; from Old Norse: Þórr [ˈθoːrː]) is a prominent god in Germanic paganism. In Norse mythology, he is a hammer-wielding god associated with lightning, thunder, storms, sacred groves and trees, strength, the protection of mankind, hallowing, and fertility.

Are Greek or Norse gods stronger? ›

It can also be noted that most Norse Gods are usually less powerful than Olympian Gods with the exceptions from the royal family of Asgard or Vanir, such as Baldur, Týr or Freya but most notably are the king of the Aesir, Odin and his Half-God Half-Giant son, Thor who are believed to be on equal level with that of Zeus …

What did Vikings wash their hair with? ›

Contrary to popular belief, the Vikings bathed regularly and washed their hair with soap containing lye, which contributed to their cleanliness and bleached it blonde while keeping it free from headlice.

How did Vikings get drunk? ›

Norsemen and Viking lovers that love to drink crafted viking ale and honey mead will connect with this article. The Vikings drank a concoction of fermented barley, hops, yeast, water and sometimes honey. The most common beverage was called “mead” and many modern barbarians have forgotten about it.

What did Rich Vikings eat? ›

Meat, fish, vegetables, cereals and milk products were all an important part of their diet. Sweet food was consumed in the form of berries, fruit and honey. In England the Vikings were often described as gluttonous. They ate and drank too much according to the English.

How many meals did Vikings eat a day? ›

Unlike modern Norwegians, Vikings tended to only eat two meals per day. These were known as dagmal and nattmal, which meant a day meal and night meal.

What did Vikings drink the most? ›

The Vikings drank strong beer at festive occasions, together with the popular drink of mead. Mead was a sweet, fermented drink made from honey, water and spices. Wine made from grapes was also known of, but had to be imported, from France, for example.

Did Vikings eat horses? ›

Often this would have been pork, as hogs were easy to raise and quick to mature, but Vikings also ate beef, mutton and goats. Horses were also raised for food, a practice that led to later clashes with Christian leaders, as horsemeat was a forbidden food under church doctrine.

Did Vikings invent cricket? ›

Cricket was invented by the Vikings. In the saga of Egill Skallagrímsson, the eponymous hero participates in a game by the river Hvítá in south west Iceland in the year 911.

Did the Vikings invent hockey? ›

Canadian sports fans are in shock and Canada 150 celebrations have been thrown into a state of turmoil after a recent archeological discovery determined that hockey, a centrepiece of our cultural and national identity, wasn’t invented in Canada but rather brought here by Vikings from Denmark, who landed in northern …

Did Vikings invent ice skating? ›

Vikings didn’t invent skiing or ice skating. Skis were originally dreamed up in central Asia during the Stone Age, and later appropriated by the Sámi people of northern Scandinavia. As for skates, the earliest ones date back 4,000 years.

How physically strong were Vikings? ›

Were the Vikings strong? Vikings are often portrayed as being strong with big muscles, and that is actually not that far from the truth. The Vikings were more robust and muscular than the average person, and that was for both women and men.

How did Vikings get so physically strong? ›

The Viking trained their what Shaul calls their “tactical or combat chassis”—legs, hips, and core—daily. They did this by farming (lifting heavy stuff), shipbuilding (chopping trees), and rowing (strengthening legs, arms, and lungs).

What did Vikings wear to sleep? ›

These two episodes (and many others) suggest that linen underwear was worn to bed. It’s been suggested that very poor men did not use underclothing and thus may have slept naked.

Were Vikings fat or muscle? ›

Vikings have been found to weigh up to 140 kg (309 lbs) in archeological findings, and were described as stronger (on average) than most people they encountered. The sagas reveal feats of great strength, and while that may be exaggerated, analysis of skeletal remains show larger-than-average muscle mass.

Were the Vikings clean or dirty? ›

Viking Facts

Vikings were extremely clean and regularly bathed and groomed themselves. They were known to bathe weekly, which was more frequently than most people, particularly Europeans, at the time. Their grooming tools were often made of animal bones and included items such as combs, razors, and ear cleaners.

Is there a game about Ragnar Lothbrok? ›

Famed real-life king Ragnar Lothbrok will play a role in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, as revealed by a new trailer. Over the course of the game, protagonist Eivor will face six of Lothbrok’s strongest allies, known as the Drengr.

Is Elden ring a Norse game? ›

Elden Ring’s lore has its roots in Irish culture. It has mainly used Irish Mythology as its basis and expanded into English culture and Norse Mythology. Despite the game being so historically rich, you won’t be finding many references in-game.

How many Viking games are there? ›

Here is a complete breakdown of the Vikings’ 2022 schedule, including dates, start times and analysis for all 17 games.

Is there a Viking MMO? ›

Viking-Themed MMORPG ‘ODIN: Valhalla Rising‘ Gets an Epic New Trailer. Since opening its doors two years ago, South Korean studio Lionheart Studio has been developing a new MMORPG that they claim as the next evolution of MMOs. This game is called ODIN: Valhalla Rising.

Is Ragnar alive in Valhalla? ›

Vikings season 4 saw the death of the great Ragnar Lothbrok, but he is still important to Vikings: Valhalla – and here’s why. Vikings: Valhalla is the sequel series to Vikings, and even though Ragnar Lothbrok died in the main series, he is still important to Valhalla.

Is Ragnar mentioned in Valhalla? ›

Vikings: Valhalla does mention both Ragnar and his first wife Lagertha, characters from the original show. Even though the new show mentions some character names that are easily recognized, these names are spoken about from a totally different perspective.

Who is Ragnar related to Valhalla? ›

Ragnar Lothbrok (Travis Fimmel) was the lead of the first seasons of Vikings, and his legacy is still felt in the universe of Vikings, along with those of his sons Björn Ironside (Alexander Ludwig) and Ivar the Boneless (Alex Høgh Andersen).

Why is Elden Ring so good? ›

The open-world structure makes its roadblocks less painful. If you’re stuck at a boss, you can simply go elsewhere and come back stronger, leveled up with better gear. Elden Ring is about as visually inventive as video games get.

How difficult is Elden rings? ›

It’s pretty safe to say that Elden Ring is a tough game. Frequent ambushes and enemies that can kill you with a single hit can make the first few hours very difficult.

Is Elden Ring in LOTR? ›

In Both Elden Ring And LOTR, Pride And Power Corrupt

In the world of Elden Ring, filled with hidden dungeons, the mysterious and ambitious Queen Marika the Eternal arguably has the beauty of Galadriel and the ambition of Sauron, using the Elden Ring bestowed upon her to dominate all life in the Lands Between.

What was the biggest Viking fight? ›

The Battle of Tettenhall (sometimes called the Battle of Wednesfield or Wōdnesfeld) took place, according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, near Tettenhall on 5 August 910.

What are the 3 Viking countries? ›

The Vikings originated in what is now Denmark, Norway and Sweden (although centuries before they became unified countries). Their homeland was overwhelmingly rural, with almost no towns.

What is the #1 MMO? ›

Over a decade old and still the most popular MMORPG game in the world, World of Warcraft is a bit special. During its long reign, WoW has changed a lot. New classes, races, a graphics overhaul, whole new continents… players can even travel back in time.

What is the number 1 MMO in the world? ›

Rank Game Active Players Today
1 World of Warcraft 1.15M
2 Old School RuneScape 1.38M
3 FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn 1.15M
4 World of Warcraft Classic 1.29M

17 more rows

What is the oldest MMO still running? ›

Furcadia holds the Guinness World Records title for the longest continuously running social MMORPG and in addition to being one of the first games to heavily encourage modding and let users build virtual worlds for themselves, it was also one of the first freemium online games.


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

Last Updated: 08/17/2022

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.

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